The UK government recently announced a £1
billion rise in foreign aid over 5 years, amidst ongoing economic
austerity. The Express and Daily Mail covered the story yesterday, with
all the expected outrage.
Of course there is huge corruption
and waste when it comes to foreign aid, and charity in general. As if to
fuel the resentment, it's ultimately the most disadvantaged that are
paying for it, whether through tax revenue (however much of that money
is first delivered in profits to the top income percentiles, through
their leveraging of the work of the bottom percentiles, and then a
fraction paid back out through income tax) or donation.
So then
there is the question, which the tabloids and more right leaning
broadsheets delight in posing: "Why should the poor be helping out the
poor in other countries, or just funding corrupt and inefficient aid
programs over there, when there are lots of people struggling here, and
those countries have things like space programs?" Obviously there is a
lot of injustice in the scenario, which calls for firm measures to
address it.
But to address the injustices involved in foreign
aid (and much large charity programs) most effectively, it's important
to look at a broader context; the context of the global market-economy
system, which encompasses the military and propaganda apparatus of war
and economic exploitation, and the bought 'democracies' that promote and
support it. Not only are the people with the least economic freedom and
opportunity the ones who fight and die in wars, though they do not call
for war, and provide the grunt in systemic mass exploitation, though
many do not wish for exploitation, but they are then left to pay for
repairing the mess, just enough for the whole travesty to carry on for
another round.
So the question "Why should we pay to help them,
when we need help too, and maybe they could help themselves?" may have
some merit. But it doesn't dig deep enough (as the papers that push it
well know) to help question the paradigm that leads to such messes in
the first place. In fact, the question is most relevant to the leaders
of the establishment, who seek to find the best cost/benefit ratio for
maintaining the status quo, while at the same time undermining sympathy
for the plight and exploitation of other countries which may contribute
to profit. To stoke popular bitterness, even where a good bit of that is
directed to the government - diffused somewhat by contributing to an
image of it being caring (even over-caring) and progressive -
comparisons are made between the aid fund and cuts to services and
rising unemployment. As if a choice is, should and could only be made
between those things. As if it's all a zero sum game between the
On the one hand, the intention and effort of
giving to those in need, even where we're in hard times too, is a mark
of empathy, and if there is one human virtue that can change the system
for the better, it's empathy. On the other hand this empathy is being
contained and exploited. It's our willingness to help each other out,
combined with our obedience that is keeping the parasite monster of
Monopoly-made-real, breathing, where otherwise it would soon just eat
itself out of existence (admittedly along with most of us). Is the
answer to be less empathetic, less willing to help those in need? I
don't think so. I think that would put us in a worse place. But if we
can find the bravery to be less obedient, and more willing to learn, then there is much more hope.
more pertinent question relating to aid, stepping beyond the mainstream
prescribed scope of debate, then, would be "Why is it, that despite our
knowledge and technology, there are still people in poverty and
hunger?" And not to stop at the lazy answer of "Oh, it's just our
nature" but to go on and examine what it is about the social, economic
and political institutions in our society that are nurturing and
emphasizing those potential traits to abuse, dominate and exploit other
people? What it is about them that fosters mass obedience? What
assumptions do they make about freedom, security and progress? When we
start to get a clearer picture of that, then we can begin to see
practical ways forward. It's ultimately not that complex, but it does
require sustained effort.
Besides the bravery, we have to keep
our minds engaged and continue to share and develop our understanding.
Otherwise it's very easy to let the anger spill over into violence,
where there are always voices there to encourage it, in the most
'revolutionary' rhetoric. The point where violence is embraced is
exactly the point where we can sure of either losing or of creating
something much the same as what we wanted to go beyond, and that's not
going to help anyone.
* painting: "Cimon and Pero" - Peter Paul Rubens
Rising Foreign Aid - The Injustice and the Scope of Debate
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
| Posted by
Joe Hudson
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