In an economy largely determined by market
operations, trade can be stimulated in various ways with the aim to
meet resource requirements for general prosperity and well-being.
Trade; the exchange, through money or otherwise, of goods, property rights and services, is the primary way of meeting resource requirements and distributing opportunity for further development within a market-economy. So in that context there is already a sturdy incentive for trade; survival depends on it. Why then would it need to be further stimulated?
Trade; the exchange, through money or otherwise, of goods, property rights and services, is the primary way of meeting resource requirements and distributing opportunity for further development within a market-economy. So in that context there is already a sturdy incentive for trade; survival depends on it. Why then would it need to be further stimulated?
The reason that extra stimulation is required for
economic activity in a market-economy, can be understood purely from
examining the properties of markets.
Markets, left to their own devices (but protected
by some official body, such as the State), tend towards increasingly
unequal distribution of private wealth and thus resources. This
happens due to cumulative competitive advantage, where small
differences in wealth will tend to be amplified over time.
Regardless of mutual gain, in a trade between two
parties with unequal wealth, the richer will tend (in proportion to
the wealth disparity) to have a stronger bargaining position and
greater opportunities to capitalize on the outcome of trade. If
you've ever spent much time playing Monopoly you'll know that while
luck, and to a degree skill, plays a large part, the more money and
property a player has, the more chances they have of amassing more
and winning the game. Essentially, the rich get richer and the poor
get poorer. That is a fundamental and well recognized property of
markets, even in an expanding economy. This means, if the ability to
acquire resources is determined by the tradable assets an individual
possesses, there will be a growing number of people unable to
participate in economic activity. Hence, without some extra
stimulation or fuel for trade, the economy – and the population –
will shrink into oblivion.
There is naturally a high risk that as
circumstances become more dire for more people, the rules break down
and instead of everyone starving, the market blows up, to either be
reformed with a fresh distribution of wealth – what usually happens
– or for some alternative to be attempted – what usually doesn't
last long. There are obviously market restraining (and simultaneously
protecting) measures, such as income taxes, regulations and social
welfare, but without some extra boost to trade, the vast majority of
people would end up being dependant on a subsistence social safety
net for survival.
The predominant approach to prevent a
market-economy from eating itself out of existence, or blowing up, is
debt, and especially creating money from the creation of debt
(whether backed, or 'securitized' by some physical resource, or
otherwise). The global financial system and market-economy is built
on this model and is contrasted below with an alternative approach to
stimulating economic activity, within a market paradigm.
Money as Debt
The essential feature of debt which allows
economic activity to continue beyond the point it would otherwise be
forced to stop in a market-economy, is that it extends the lower end
of the scale of wealth, from zero or not enough, to (minus) infinity.
If you don't have enough to trade for what you need, you can borrow.
Without doubt, borrowing is an indispensable activity in a
market-economy, not only for the poor or those of modest wealth, but
also for those who wish to leverage their assets and multiply their
profits. So debt allows the wheels to keep turning.
There are, however, some properties to debt,
besides its ability to extend economic activity, that also exacerbate
the anti-economic trajectory of pure markets. Accepting debt, in the
form of a loan, is itself a trade, with the lender receiving a
promise to repay with some additional interest. So the broad economic
utility of debt is still dependant on lenders being willing to lend,
which is not always the case. The lender naturally wants to ensure a
profitable outcome of the trade, which means the borrower
successfully repaying the loan plus the interest, which depends on
the borrower being able to make sufficient profitable trades
(including giving labour for wages) elsewhere. As a trade, a loan is
just another market operation which facilitates the market behaviour
of concentrating wealth and thus increasing economic inequality, but
with the additional pressuring factor of interest payment.
With a money system based on debt, having interest
outstanding in a market-economy mathematically requires more money to
be created to cover the interest. That then leads to more money being
required to cover the debt associated with that money, and so on. On
the one hand this provides a pressure for economic growth, but on the
other it also creates inflation (rising cost of goods and services
through the falling purchasing power of a given sum of currency), by
increasing the pool of (debt based) money in the economy. This
continuous kind of inflation is generally not completely counteracted
by lower cost production technology, and through a number of
channels, increases the economic wealth gap between rich and poor.
It is true that inflation can erode savings, but
by definition only savings which gain interest at less than the rate
of inflation; two examples being keeping your money under the
mattress, and the large majority of pension funds (which constitute
most of the savings for the least wealthy majority), which
under-perform inflation in the long term. For those with substantial
wealth there are far better opportunities for investment.
Since resources, demand for goods and services,
and employment opportunities are all limited, there will always be a
certain part of a population who simply cannot make sufficient
profitable trades to repay loans for resources they need. There will
also be those who are hit by unforeseen circumstances, or who decide
to cheat. That is, loans will not always be offered when needed, and
will not always be repaid.
To avoid market breakdown due to lack of credit
(availability of debt) or ability to repay, the total pool of wealth
within an economy and consequent opportunity for trade and profit
must continually grow. If growth stops, debt may provide a short
buffer, but as the market concentrates wealth, the prospects of debt
being repaid diminish, and so credit will dry up. In support of the
debt approach to stimulating economic activity, it is argued that the
social impact of being in debt, and having interest to work off,
motivates people to work harder, thus creating the economic growth
As already mentioned, there are certain intrinsic
motivations for economic activity, the sustaining and development of
life and well-being, and markets in their pure form concentrate
economic opportunity into ever fewer hands. While debt can keep a
market-economy rolling, because it also reinforces economic
inequality it will alter the character of motivation and economic
activity (and consequently much non-economic activity) for much of
the population.
When working to repay debt, or just managing to
service the interest, while granted much better than starving or
going without shelter, there is a tendency for the mind to narrow,
especially where economic freedom is low and the debt payments take
a significant chunk of the income. In this state (compared to having
adequate wealth to avoid debt or keep it to a small and easily
managed level) there is less time to listen to our various human
needs beside the matter at hand of paying the debt, along with the
other bills and covering the basics. Less time to pursue interests,
even where they would not require much additional resources. Less
time to think, learn, create, connect and innovate. Less time or
mental space to relax and enjoy. When in debt there is also less
opportunity to be selective about what work to accept, and more
pressure simply to take what will pay, to service the debt.
This narrowing of the mind and restriction of
broader individual development presents a significant opportunity
cost to society, through the quality of culture and innovation that
might have been created, through a more widespread, fuller
development of human potential. In short, the debt approach offers a
choice between going hungry or varying degrees of servitude to
concentrated wealth, while in so doing creating a high opportunity
cost for society. The global research of the Equality Trust clearly
shows that substantial inequality is indeed harmful not just to the
poor, but in a variety of ways to everyone in society.
There is also the minor issue of the debt approach
requirement for indefinite geometric growth, on a finite planet. A
minor issue which is fast casting its shadow across the globe. To
clarify, in an economy with ten acres of land and ten blocks of gold,
the GDP (total sum of all trade) can vary according to how much trade
is made, which can increase through new services and technological
innovation to allow more to be done with less. This is known as
intensive economic growth. However, there is a limit to how
much and how fast those factors can grow an economy, especially where
a large number of people have relatively low economic opportunity,
and ultimately the wealth concentrating property of markets will
force (regardless of other factors which may do the same) new land
and new gold and other resources to be acquired. This is known as
extensive economic growth, and is the kind that bumps up
against the hard limit of a finite planet.
It is almost certain that so long as a market
paradigm is used for economic management, debt will be a necessary
evil. Were the base currency not linked with the creation of national
debt (as is invariably the case with central banks now), such as
proposed by Positive Money and others, the overall debt burden would
be reduced. But the availability of individual loans would most probably still
be a necessary buffer or enabler of opportunity for some of the
population. The negative impacts and extent of debt may be further
reduced though, through various redistributive economic measures.
Tax on Property
A tax on property amounts to a redistributive
approach to stimulating economic activity (as in principle most taxes
are), whether the tax revenue is redistributed directly, or via
government spending. It is not directly concerned with the creation
of money or the use of debt. When used in combination with a
particular debt approach, providing redistribution is either direct,
or effectively managed, it will reduce the need for individual debt.
The idea presented here is a particular form of
property tax, where all private wealth is taxed, periodically, not
when it is traded, but while it is owned, and redistributed largely
in a direct form. It would include real-estate, land, food,
materials, industrial equipment, stocks, patents, interest baring
bank accounts, every kind of owned economic asset. Hence a more
descriptive name for it could be 'Universal, Recurring, Directly
Redistributive Tax'. The tax would principally be financial, but
could also be in the form of produce. Through national or local
government the tax (or a large majority portion of it) would then be
evenly distributed to the population.
The rationale of such a tax on property is to
encourage the profitable use of resources, where they are privately
owned. It would only make sense to hold property, for those with more
than average wealth, if it was creating profit above the rate of tax.
If an individual's amount of property was below the average they
would receive more tax revenue than they give, and vice versa.
This kind of tax on property is quite distinct
from income tax, corporation tax, or tax on trade (stamp duty, VAT,
import). These other types of taxes essentially tax profits or
economic activity itself, which creates understandable resistance and
can be avoided in various clever ways. A property tax is not
concerned with profits, and encourages trade. It is also relatively
simple to calculate; if something is owned, it gets taxed. But like
with most taxes, it may also allow for deferrals and exemptions under
special circumstances, and have potentially different rates for
different types of asset.
Other forms of property tax exist, such as council
tax and inheritance tax. These forms are either much more limited in
the scope of property they apply to, or apply once per generation
(providing loopholes are not exploited), rather than on a rolling
annual or quarterly basis. Stamp duty is also a property tax, but
applies only when trade occurs. The type of property tax being
discussed here is a comprehensive, recurring tax, designed to have a
redistributive force strong enough to sufficiently counteract the
anti-economic, wealth concentrating characteristic of markets, thus
allowing more collectively prosperous economic opportunities and
development. The virtue of making redistribution primarily in direct
form, rather than managed through government programs, is to ensure
that economic freedom and opportunity is widely distributed.
Besides the practical economic benefits, the
ideological basis of it is that the government provides a service of
protecting private property and the safe, stable operation of the
market, with the opportunity for profit that comes with it. And in
return for that valuable service and the resources required to render
it, the government on behalf of the public interest requires a
percentage, which it distributes to the public. Each member of the
public is given an equal share, simply by being part of the economy
from which profit can be made, and recognising the value in giving
everyone a more equal chance to contribute, through a more equal
economic opportunity. (There is no need to adopt a false doctrine of
absolute economic equality.) If someone is a successful wealth
accumulator, whether through innovation of business acumen, they can
carry on doing that and profiting. But the idea of the tax is that it
strongly deters anyone from simply sitting on accumulated wealth, or
letting it appreciate through unproductive uses, which is harmful to
the rest of society.
Let's consider the example of a home. What happens
when someone retires from business and the tax on their property,
which includes the house they live in, comes around? If the owner's
total wealth including the value of the home is less than the
average, they would have nothing to pay, because their contribution
would be less than the dividend they receive. If the owner's total
wealth is more than the average, then tax would be due in proportion
to their additional wealth. So if someone wants to live in a 20
bedroom mansion, that's fine, but they would need to figure out a way
of making their total wealth continue to be economically productive,
and thus hopefully useful to society, to cover the tax. (Or, less
probably, to have had so much wealth accumulated that they can carry
on paying the tax without it affecting their chosen lifestyle.) The
idea is to shift distribution towards human needs and provision of
opportunity, and away from human greed. Greed, to put it simply, is
supported only so far as it provides a measurable net benefit for the
rest of society, otherwise it is collectively detrimental.
Even though it may be simpler to calculate and
more difficult to evade, a tax on property, like any other tax, would
still be subject to some people and corporations not wanting to pay
it. One reason to expect more honesty than with other taxes on
profits or trade, is insurance. Particularly valuable property is
often insured, to cover loss or damage. But if such property is not
declared and counted in tax contributions, then no legal insurance
claim could be made. With a property tax, there would be no need for
income tax, corporation tax, or trade tax. So to replace three types
of taxes with one, which is more favourable to trade, would surely
aid its popular acceptance.
One obvious exemption to the tax, that might
enhance the sharing and development of practical skills, would be the
value added from a person's direct labour. So if for example someone
builds an extension to (or the whole of) their own house, the value
added to the property embodied in that labour would be tax
A tax on property not only encourages economic
activity by providing additional incentive for property owners to
turn a profit on that property, but also through its redistributive
function, which directly creates more economic opportunity for most
of the population. In turn that more widespread economic opportunity
fosters technological and social innovation. A tax on property is one
way of providing a Basic Income. But as a stimulator of economic
activity it does not create a pressure for perpetual, geometric,
extensive growth of the economy, as debt does. It keeps the wheels
turning, but without requiring an ever bigger cart.
Shifting to a redistributive method of stimulating
economic activity, would help spread a deeper understanding of the
practical benefits of peaceful collaboration with equal respect of
each others needs.
Money as Debt
Positive Money
Equality Trust
Basic Income