Supporting the way we work together as a society, revolving around a
market controlled economy, is a certain web of beliefs. These beliefs
can be thought of as the tenets of a religion; the religion of MORE
(Market OverRun Economy). While they may appear to be stated in a hyperbolic fashion here, I
believe the following 22 tenets, in essence accurately portray the true character,
values and belief system of our present dominant economic, political and
social paradigm.
The tenets are not held by everyone, and where they are they are not always fully realized, or are held is some kind of balance with a more humanistic perspective. But nevertheless they reflect to a large extent the shape and course of our society, from
casual conversation about current affairs and common attitudes to social
issues, to media coverage and bias and the form of our entertainment industry, to the scope of local
community, business and charity, to the spectacle of national politics and our behaviour as a nation state, to our role as part
of a global economy.
The 22 tenets of MORE
1. To
be the well armed gatekeepers of resources and thus production is to be
the giver of their benefits. For which perpetual gratitude and
servitude is due.
2. To not extinguish free expression, culture and innovation, but to funnel, filter and exploit them through wealth allocation, is to be the creators and benefactors of them.
For however many intrinsic motivators there are for productive work,
cooperation and innovation, the extrinsic motivator of money rules them
all. And thus greed is good.
4. Wealth is meritocratic, thus the poor have only themselves to blame, and the rich to thank for putting bread on their tables. Without their firm benediction, the feckless masses would be helpless and moribund.
Since the market-economy brings marginal order to the rule of the
jungle, it is a progressive evolution and not a cultural disease, as it
may first appear to the neophyte.
6. If there is war, poverty
and famine is it either an aberration and result of heretical thinking,
or due to base human nature pushing through the benevolent operation of
the market. It is not a natural element of MORE.
7. MORE brings
plenty, through peace, facilitated by necessary violence and oppression,
and other sacrifices for the sake of the future.
8. If heretical forms of co-existence are attempted they must be stamped out with a fearful, righteous rage. For perpetual interest on debt, concentrated wealth and inequality are the great keepers of order and the engines of progress.
9. Since there are no successful alternative forms of co-existence, that have not been purged or subsumed, MORE must be the best and most efficient.
10. There was, is and can be no other way, except something worse. Historical research that speaks against this truth is false and sacrilege.
11. All good comes from having MORE, and to protect MORE by any means is the highest virtue.
12. The ignorant enemies of MORE are legion, and in MORE as in war all is fair and information is king.
13. Thus, to lie, misinform and distract is to tell the greater truth of MORE and to express the highest virtue.
14. MORE supports democracy, indeed it demands to have the best that money can buy, as it has done from the very beginning.
The highest form of freedom is that of the market, for it brings with
it, through the amassing of private wealth, the freedom to control our fellow brothers and sisters. All hail the glory of the free-market!
16. MORE is fair, for all may, indeed must, compete in the race, from whichever point fortune lands them.
* The final 6 tenets are considered the esoteric truths of MORE, and usually require a longer period of worship to comprehend.
The inconceivable and divine paradox of MORE, which transcends mundane
logic: the natural destination and goal of MORE and its most strong and
devout followers is monopoly, yet the highest and most worshipful form
of co-existence is competition.
18. To honour the divine
paradox, a second paradox was created, that of market regulation, taxes
and welfare, which together form the trinity of necessary restraint. The
trinity is simultaneously our enemy, for it inhibits the outcome of
competition and limits the spoils to the most worthy, and our friend and
savior, for it sustains the conditions which protect concentrated
19. The process through which wealth is distributed may
be conceived by way of the blood flow through a giant, benevolent squid.
The squid gives out its own blood to the needy in reach of its
tentacles and countless arms; by being pricked from the three prongs of
necessary restraint, through wages, and through most magnanimous charity
to cover the shortfall. And the squid receives the blood of the needy;
directly through the wars they die in, its proceeds and their tax
revenues that go to fund it, through their labour and innovation, and
not least through their financial support in the form of debt and the
interest and securities that it bares, and in the form of rent.
Where the squid of MORE wealth distribution takes more blood than it
gives, it can grow, representing the expansion of concentrated wealth.
Simultaneously it must then also return more blood to maintain the
greater number of needy needed. Behold the blessed symbiotic
relationship. But if the squid takes less than it gives then it will
grow hungry and violent, even moving to eat part of itself. All good
keepers of MORE must hence strive, like the farmer with their crop, to
feed the needy only what they must have to be maintained in good order,
so as to avoid waste and potential ruin. Sometimes a few of the needy
merge into the flesh of the squid, and so social mobility is born. A
small amount is necessary, but as with the trinity, this must be kept to
a minimum, so that the flesh is not corrupted.
21. The squid of
MORE wealth distribution, that is also known by the name of Mammon, has 2 heads and 3 primary tentacles, each with
111 strong suckers. Each tentacle represents one of the three entwined
pillars of wealth distribution and expansion, the market itself,
government, and the military and police forces. Each head represents a
side of the divine paradox (tenet 17), effectively imbuing each tentacle
with two warring spirits, meaning that the key agents of wealth
distribution number 666. This is the holy number of MORE, and where a follower sees it marked, they shall know that they are amongst friends.
Proper thought comprises two fields. The first is concerned with the
trivialities of consumer culture, including the cult of personality, and
is a salve to the weary mind. The second is concerned with the tenets
of MORE, with the most lofty matters of the divine paradox, the trinity
of necessary restraint (the second paradox), and faithfully telling the
allegories of the benevolent squid of wealth distribution and expansion,
together representing the pinnacle of political and social commentary. Let the faithful not stray from proper thought, and help those that do back on to the purifying path of elevation. To those afflicted with hardship or guilt, a follower of proper thought
may lament about the squalor of human nature and the institutions it has
build, to then council that MORE is the best that can possibly be hoped
for from a set of bad options, and our one true hope for progress
MORE also offers guidance on talking with dissenters or disbelievers:
When engaging in discussion with a dissenter, we must first disregard
any argument, however seemingly pertinent, and insist on giving thanks
to our lord of MORE, Mammon, for the apocryphal benefits of our ongoing
mass exploitation.
ii. If a dissenter fails to accept your
guidance, or give due homage to MORE, while continuing to avoid engaging
with heretical ideas, it is best to remind them of how much worse
things could be, and counsel that they be simply grateful. Gratitude is after-all the secret to happiness.
If a heretical discussion is already under way, try to change the
subject, and restrict the parameters and scope of debate to an area
compatible with the tenets of MORE.
iv. To push people away from
an aberrant discussion, for their own good, be belligerent and
provocative, arcane in your language, and waste time with tenuously
related anecdotes and references, as necessary.
v. While it is
helpful to push an apparently peaceful discussion, showing signs of
heresy towards polemical argument, no matter how soundly your line of
attack is defeated, never concede the point. This will help maintain
your morale while depleting the reserves of the dissenter. On this point
a short memory is an asset.
vi. If somehow through their silver
tongue, you find yourself momentarily drawn to the words of a dissenter,
you may experience an unpleasant cognitive dissonance, disorientation
or flashback. This is a natural protective response to guard you from
painful awareness. Retreat into ad hominem if you feel pressured and
repeat out loud the tenets, until you feel better.
vii. To
dissuade others, who may be corrupted by the words of the dissenter, try
to discredit their ideas with accusations of naivety, romantic
idealism, bitterness and jealousy, extremism, or as inviting a brutal
totalitarian regime under the co-opt'ed flag of socialism. If struggling
when challenged to back such accusations up, simply be vague and
condescending, suggesting that it should be obvious, or that to do so
would be a waste of time.
viii. Where the above guidance does not prevail, it is best to ignore the dissenter who is beyond salvation, lest they lead to your own corruption. Where your valiant attempts to show and teach the proper thought of MORE fail, a final attempt at unity may be made by collective confession of how base human nature is, and how, since it is the dominant paradigm, MORE, with all its difficulties, is surely the best that can possibly be hoped for from a set of bad options.
The MORE prophecy of end times
of this prophecy is dangerous in the wrong hands, and must be
restricted to MORE PSYCHO (Profit Snake Yocto-Compassion Heinous
Oligarch) priests.
The battle between the
supremacy of man and nature runs on, and though the dominance of man is
righteous, nature is the mother which cannot be killed or be rid of. Her
veins are drying from our drinking, her body poisoned from our hacking
and crapping in her already wounds flesh, as was our right. In her tormented,
desperate sorrow she will end us. A time will come when the brilliant
light of the age of MORE will be covered, either in complete darkness
and destruction, or by an age of antithetical consciousness, born of a
new understanding of freedom and self, to our eyes darker than the
darkness. So upside-down will this age be, that they will see ours as
the one of disease. That will be the new truth. We may choose only
between those two darknesses, of destruction, or of this new age. Let us
choose wisely.
The beginning of the end times will be marked by 3 signs. A crisis of nature, a crisis of technology and a crisis of faith.
crisis of faith will be known by a growing inability to comprehend the
higher reason of MORE. Masses will agitate for change, even where they
know not too or how. Stronger voices of dissent will emerge through
relation to the other crises. Many amongst our highest order of
followers will also lose their faith, corrupted by the new truth. These
last two ranks will be our most dangerous enemies. The MORE faithful
will unite to caste them into the purifying flames of ridicule and
smear, and shame them for their pro-terrorist thinking. But in this
righteous cause, we have a heavy disadvantage. For in our glorious
crusade to bring even logic and truth under the rule of our peerless
will, we have grown to regard our own artifice as the very truth it
replaces, and thus we are blinded to the power of logic our dissenters
use against us. Nonetheless, with our superior vigor, we may bring the
world down, to at least achieve the lesser darkness for our posterity.
With a mere handful of the finest MORE PSYCHO priests and a good stock
of young virgin females, preserved in ice and ox-blood, we can rebuilt
the world from its own ashes. We must learn to use the language of the
dissenter against them, to fill it with the seeds of our will and the
same knots that confound us now. We must seek out the ignorant and
glorify their ignorance, give token support for their struggle, then
feed them lies to spread amongst their friends. We must fight as if our
souls, blessed by the holy number of 666, depended on it.
crisis of technology will be known by the technological breakdown of
the hierarchical apparatus. There will be instant, unlimited and secure
communication, allowing the free flow of information. Dissenters will
push to make this technology accessible to all. The industrial practices
which are both creating genuine scarcity and maintaining false
scarcity, which both serve to protect concentrated wealth and power,
will be challenged by new or suppressed technology and processes. The
march of technology, partly through the drive to increase profits, will
increasingly displace labour, which will be unable to compete on cost,
efficiency or volume. If the masses have no work, and thus no money,
many will question the very paradigm of MORE. The hands of MORE
administrators will be forced, to either manage a steep decline in the
population as the needy perish and eat themselves, contained in
charitable labour camps, and culled through wars; or to capitulate and
allow the masses to live in a state without wage labour, of moderate
comfort and freedom. If it reaches that fearful stage, the battle is not
yet lost, so long as there is sufficient media, educational and reproductive control.
In this way, MORE may extend its lifespan. However, the free flow of
information, sweeping away with it the totems of copyright and patent, will eventually win out and the holy hierarchy of MORE will
The crisis of nature will be known by mass ecological
collapse, in the oceans and on land, and violent climate instability.
While this will lead an increase in scarcity, it will be on such an
unprecedented scale when combined with increasing demand that only the
strongest, most devout and worthy followers of MORE will profit from it,
and many will perish. This alone could be viewed as an entirely natural
process of the market, a cruel but necessary process to ensure
progress. But danger lies in its global scale, which will prompt many to
question their faith, and to rise up against the forces of MORE. When
these times come we must unite to drive the message through, that MORE
is the one true way of progress, and to help the masses find peace in
the lesser darkness of destruction, knowing that they sacrifice
themselves for our future. The needy must be told that when we strike
our mother, and the earth succumbs to the might of our industry, we do
it for their sake, so that they may have bread on their table. Indeed in
countless ways their hands are together with ours as the knife falls,
and may that be their dying thought, so that they do not think to
revolt. But eventually revolt will come, and we must be ready for it.
* painting: "The Worship of Mammon" 1909 Evelyn de Morgan
The 22 Tenets of the religion of MORE (Market OverRun Economy)
Monday, 25 November 2013
| Posted by
Joe Hudson
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